For the Youngsters - An Evening with Roald Dahl

Roald DahlTuesday, 28th August - 7.00pm

Well, not with Roald Dahl personally – he’s been dead for a while – but with some of his stories. If you have read any of them, you will know how funny they can be. If you haven’t, you’re in for a treat. I propose to read some of his funny poems to start with, and these are great for the younger children say from 4 or 5 to about 11. Then we shall have an interval with a drink and something to eat, and after that, I will read some things more suitable for older children, say between 10 and 65 – but the youngsters can still enjoy them as well!

It’s free, but you will be invited to make a contribution towards the costs – but don’t let this put you off.

So come along to church on Tuesday, 28th August in time for a 7.00pm start. Bring your Mum and Dad, and your Grandparents too! I look forward to seeing you all then.

Roy Smalley